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Understanding Your Journey Through Separation


This is how you take back control of your life and step into an empowered space of existence. To know thyself is the ultimate power move.


We start out in life fully in connection with our authentic self, God, Source, the Universe, and throughout our life we slowly move into separation as a way to adapt and survive our immediate environment. This course will help you understand how you came to be in separation with yourself and how it shows up in your daily life. This is all so that you can consciously begin to choose a state of inner self and truth. 


There are two versions of the course, one for those who identify as Twin Flames or Divine Connections, and those who don't.


The information about each session can be read about below. ** I've since removed the core content option.


Course Information (Applies to All Modules)

  • Independent learning pathway

    • You can do each session on your own time​

    • Each lesson and module are recorded so you can pause and continue as you need

    • The course content with more than one module will release one module a week from the date of enrollment.​


  • There are 2 options to choose from for course content:​​

    • All 6 Modules for Twinflames - (the additional module is specific to the Twinflame journey)

      • Self Discover​y

      • Star Child

      • Adolescent Spark

      • Divine Assistance

      • Relationships

      • Twin Flames


    • All 5 Modules for everyone else 

      • Self Discover​y

      • Star Child

      • Adolescent Spark

      • Divine Assistance

      • Relationships


The sessions include:

  • Guided video session for each chapter

  • Workbooks full of knowledge (each module has it's own PDF work book)

  • Reflective questions to help you apply the knowledge to your life

  • Helpful take away information so you can apply the modalities to your life

  • Access to meditations that accompany the information

  • Astrology Natal chart (per individual)

  • Access to a place to connect with others taking the course

  • 1 on 1 guidance session discount package for anyone who purchases the course

    • 4 sessions for $444 can be used through a 3 month period (Regularly $500)​


Packages Available:



Twin Flame Version:  

$444 - Sign Up Here

  • 6 modules over a 6 week period (does not have to be completed in 6 weeks)​


$77 /Month for 6 month - Sign Up Here

  • ​6 modules over 6 months (does not have to be completed in 6 months)

  • Each chapter will be released monthly

  • You'll be given an option to


General Version:


  • 5 modules over a 5 week period (does not have to be completed in 5 weeks)​




Self Discovery is pivotal to reminding your conditioned self of who you really are. Astrology and an introduction to other Metaphysical Divination will be used in this content as well as understanding the facets of self, personal resonance and belief systems. This helps us come back to the core of who we are and whom we were meant to be before the world around us had its say.

In The Group Session:


We Talk About:

  • Self Discovery as The Core of Your Healing + Ascension

  • Personal Resonance

  • Belief Systems + How They Filter Our Reality

  • Facets of Self

  • Metaphysical Divination + How They Can Help You Remember

  • Important Things To Know About Your Astrology Natal Chart

  • In session meditation aligning the aspects of self


Each Member Will Receive

  • Their personal astrology natal chart

  • Workbook to take notes or continue to work with

  • Access to the meditation provided in the session


As it's a group we won't be going over each of your charts but you will have your charts to discover further on your own. If you'd like a more in-depth look at your information I highly recommend taking the personal sessions course or booking a 1 on 1 outside the group sessions.

How we learned to adapt to the world around us gives us a profound understanding of who we were programmed and conditioned to be. 


In order to understand our subconscious and unconscious energy, we need to understand our childhood from a different perspective.  In this session, we dive into the world of our inner child. A world that was created in our childhood, a world that dictates and controls our unconscious and subconscious energy. 


In The Group Session:


We Talk About:

  • Understanding what trauma actually is

  • How to face it with out reliving it so you can release it

  • How trauma shaped who you are as an adult

  • How your inner child is still very much a part of your life no matter your age

  • How to understand and trust the "F" word, forgiveness.

  • How to communicate and work with your inner child

  • How your inner child can bring joy and creation back into your life

  • In Session Meditation – Inner Child Connection Tool


Each member will receive:

  • Workbook to take notes or continue to work with

  • Access to the meditation provided in the session


As it's a group we won't be going into each of your personal situations. If you'd like to discuss your experience personally, I highly recommend taking the personal sessions course or booking a 1 on 1 outside the group sessions.

Acknowledging and being aware of your wounds creates the energy of conscious choice. To be able to choose what you want to carry around with you or not.


The next stop on the how the heck did I get here train is the time we spent between 8 and 18. This time was used to develop the relationship we have with our body, belief systems about relationships and intimacy, and cemented our childhood wounds into our reality, and formulated how our brain functions from the data collected in the subconscious. In this session, we talk all about our adolescent years.

In The Group Session:


We Talk About:

  • Understanding Your Divine Spark

  • How your childhood trauma began to pattern

  • We will go over how you learned to view and communicate with your body

  • How energy uses your body to communicate with you

  • How you came to understand relationship beliefs and beliefs about sex and intimacy

  • An introduction to romantic relationships

  • How your emotions get trapped in your body

  • How your inner adolescent, tween, teenager is still a part of your life as an adult

  • How to communicate and work with your inner adolescent

  • How your inner adolescent can bring inspiration and a zest for life back into your life

  • How to understand and change emotional responses and triggers

  • In session meditation - Inner Adolescent Connection Tool


Each Member Will Receive

  • Workbook to take notes or continue to work with

  • Access to the meditation provided in the session

  • Access to an additional meditation – Clearing Out Old Sexual Energy


As it's a group we won't be going into each of your personal situations. If you'd like to discuss your experience personally, I highly recommend taking the personal sessions course or booking a 1 on 1 outside the group sessions.

If you only knew how powerful you truly are and how much you're loved and supported, you'd be unstoppable. That's where we wanna go! So you can feel empowered enough to take the world around you like an unstoppable force.


We are never alone. Ever. We have so many light beings here with us while we walk this path. In this session, we will talk about each of the different kinds of support you can tap into and how to tap into the support available.

In The Group Session:


We Talk About:

  • How to connect and communicate with your Divine peeps

  • Your connection with your Higher Self

  • Your connection with your Spirit Guides

  • Your connection with your Angels

  • Your connection with the animals that are here to guide you

  • Your connection with your Ancestors and those who has move on

  • Your Starseed + galactic connections

  • Your personal soul guidance team at this time

  • In Session Meditation – Guidance Connection Tool


Each Member Will Receive

  • Workbook to take notes or continue to work with

  • A special card spread for each kind of connection to learn how to communicate using Tarot or Oracle cards

  • Access to the meditation provided in the session


As it's a group we won't be going into each of your personal situations. If you'd like to discuss your experience personally, I highly recommend taking the personal sessions course or booking a 1 on 1 outside the group sessions.


If you're ready to walk this path together you can sign up here:


This particular session is an additional one specifically designed for Twinflames. In this session, we will utilize all the information you discovered about yourself and understand how it affects and plays a role in the connection. As well as how your Divine Counter Part plays a role in all of this for you.

In The Group Session:


We Talk About:

  • A little bit of Twinflames 101 (how the energy works between you, etc)

  • Parallels: Childhood, Adolescence + Relationships

  • Mirroring between you

  • Reflective trauma and responses

  • How to witness and understand the interactions between you

  • How emotional energy is interpreted and interacted with

  • Sovereignty, Divine Will and Conscious Choice

  • How you can use the connection to your advantage


Each member will receive:

  • Workbook to take notes or continue to work with

  • Access to the meditation provided in the session

  • Additional meditation - Clearing Your Connection Tool


As it's a group we won't be going into each of your personal situations. If you'd like to discuss your experience personally, I highly recommend taking the personal sessions course or booking a 1 on 1 outside the group sessions.


In The Group Session:


We Talk About:

  • You as the Center of the Relationship Universe

  • Soul Mates (all the different soul mate types that exist)

  • Familial Relationships (Mom, Dad, Siblings, Grandparents, etc)

  • Friend Relationships

  • Romantic Relationships

  • The Relationship With Yourself

  • In Session Meditation – Clearing old relationships


Each Member Will Receive

  • Workbook to take notes or continue to work with

  • Access to the meditation provided in the session

  • Additional meditation to strengthen the relationship with yourself


As it's a group we won't be going into each of your personal situations. If you'd like to discuss your experience personally, I highly recommend taking the personal sessions course or booking a 1 on 1 outside the group sessions.

This session is the first of the plus series and one that can be ordered as a stand alone after the core Journey Through Separation course. We explore the relationships we have and how they shaped us and still affect us now.

© 2023 Candi Wishman, Psychic Intuitive

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