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Image by Annie Spratt

Intuitive Readings

I'm so happy you're here and thinking about getting an intuitive reading. I love to channel the messages people need to hear! Often time I don't tell people things they don't already know on some level. They are designed to affirm and validate what you need to understand.


They are all prerecorded so you can watch the videos as need be. If you'd like to have a live session there is the option to pick that - a date and time will be scheduled upon booking.

Soulmate Connection Reading

A love reading

In this reading I look at the connection you're in:

  • Over all energy of the connection

  • Intentions in regard to this relationship for both of you

    • for you subconscious intentions you need to be aware of

    • for them their direct intentions

  • How you're each thinking or feeling about each other

  • Actions you're guided to take

  • Actions they're likely to take

  • Possible outcome or potential in the near future


To book, please fill in the form at the bottom of the page.


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Image by Jen Theodore

Message From Your Person

Their Core Energy + Flow of Energy

  • Message from their Higher Self

  • Message from their Human Self

  • Messages + Songs


To book, please fill in the form at the bottom of the page.


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Image by Annie Spratt

Prosperity Intuitive Reading

An abundance reading

  1. What could be interfering with your ability to receive?

  2. What could be involved divine timing wise?

  3. What can help you accept that you are worthy of what you desire?

  4. What can you focus on to help you shift into alignment?

  5. What will help you open to reception or inspired action?


To book, please fill in the form at the bottom of the page.


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Image by Soulful Stock

Personal Growth Reading

An expansion reading

  1. Exploring your expansion

  2. Mentally

  3. Emotionally

  4. Physically

  5. What can you focus on

  6. What are you next steps

  7. Additional Messages from Your Soul Guidance Team


To book, please fill in the form at the bottom of the page.


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Image by Edz Norton

Personal Chakra Balance Reading

An clearing reading

In this reading I work with all 10 of your chakras and while I use tarot and oracle cards to read their energy, I also clear out any old or stuck energy and help balance them out.


To book, please fill in the form at the bottom of the page.


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Twin Flame Chakra Balance Reading

An clearing reading

In this reading I work with all 10 of your chakras and all 10 of your person's chakra's and while I use tarot and oracle cards to read their energy, I also clear out any old or stuck energy and help balance them out and the clear out the energy between your chakras.


To book, please fill in the form at the bottom of the page.


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Divine Connection Check In

A love + energy reading

Overall energy of the connection

What you need to know about your energy:

    - emotionally, mentally, subconsciously

    - currently needed to move through or master

    - what you can focus on or put your energy into

    - any unresolved energy that needs releasing

Where they are at

    - emotionally, mentally, acting on

    - currently needed to move through or master

    - what they are focused on or putting their energy into

    - how they are feeling/thinking about you or the connection

Near future outcome

Messages from them to you


To book, please fill in the form at the bottom of the page.


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Image by Jonathan Borba
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